Saturday, April 13, 2019

Should Graduation Require Service Hours?

There are many schools that have mandatory service hours to graduate. There are multiple reasons school require students to do so According to Simrin Gupta. Gupta goes on to say "But perhaps the most beneficial part of the SSL hour requirement is that it gives students experience with group dynamics"( This is a huge point to be brought up as students are becoming increasingly less social as time goes on. School work also does not necessarily provide the best team work skills that most jobs require post high school. 
Many school also don't require service hours. Many people feel it is very time consuming and doesn't provide students with any extra know how. According to Claire Koenig "High school is a busy time - many students juggle jobs or multiple after school activities in addition to their schoolwork"( I am sure many students will vouch for what she is saying. I myself sometimes feel that way while juggling two jobs, two high schools, and any left over time with sports. 
I believe that we should have to complete mandatory service hours. While high school students are a little pressed for time that does not outweigh the experiences students can receive by such hours. People I talk to in high school lack the communication skills it takes to work in the real world. These hours would help increase these traits for students to better prepare them for the work force. 

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with your position because its sometimes it is too stressful to go do volunteering if the student has a job already. In addition to that students have homework to do that is difficult. I do however agree with your point that it would help increase their job experience. But most students at this point already have jobs that help these traits already.


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