Mr Hornaday
April 14th
Service hours
A lot of school around the area make there kids do community service hours for there students in order to graduate. For this topic there is a positive and a negative to this. A positive on service hours is it creates good personal development. This happens in a number of ways. Students learn about there strength and weaknesses, community service and exposure to different situations can teach students how to develop the skills that they have and work on areas they struggle in (Prep Scholar). Community service can also allow students to become directly involved in there communities (Prep Scholar). By helping in there communities it doesn't just help the people in there community but it helps the students. The knowledge that they are making a real difference also affects students on a personal level. When students know there work is helping someone they so increased rates of self esteem.
A negative on service hours is the students who do community service work will not take it seriously. They will not really care about the cause and they will do low quality work just to get hours (Calabasas courier). This is a big point because some people who come in and sign up just want to get the hours so they can graduate. I know when I was at my other school we were required to do community service hours and some times I wasn't excited about going. But I just went because of the hours I need. Also, science says that working more than 40 hours a week can have effects on you ( You can have a risk of cardiovascular issues, depression, injuries and high levels of stress ( Science says you should only work 40 hours a week or less, you should not be working more than that. So if you do extra hours like community service that could effect you physically and mentally.
My position on community service is it should be mandatory for high school's. I think that high school's need to get there students working in the community. They can help the community by doing these hours and community service can help high school students to become more mature. Just like in the positive paragraph, service hours can help students lift up there self esteem and it can help them work on there strength and weaknesses. I am not saying that schools should have there students do a ton of hours. I am just saying that schools should have to students do some service hours in order to graduate high school.
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