Monday, April 15, 2019

There are benefits of service hours, many of which involve better social skills. It connects one to many other people, doesn't matter where one may work at, they are bound to make friends, especially when the volunteer work doesn't involve pay. "One of the best ways to make new friends and strengthen existing relationships is to commit to a shared activity together. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, especially if you are new to an area." (Community Engagement,, 2019). Community service hours can be a benefit to people in terms of socializing with others, creating bonds with others.

There are cons of service hours, depending on who is working anyway. The list can extend to many reasons, just as much as the pro list. One may not have the time to commit themselves to such service, especially teenagers when they have to juggle homework, after-school activities, and school at the same time. "But another key problem is that volunteers can become so committed and involved in their particular cause, they can easily become frustrated that others don't share their passion(James Roland,, 2019). Some may put a little bit more effort into the work to a point where if others don't put in the same work, they grow frustrated with them.

My position on this subject is that I am not in favor for community service hours due to even more limited hours that people may have. With high school students participating in after-school activities, along with that, they have jobs, so trying to fit in extra time for volunteer work may prove more stressful than beneficial

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